Up to 86% of women experience lumbopelvic pain in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. If you are one of the "lucky" ones (25% of us), that pain is still lingering around past 12 months postpartum.
Sciatica can be caused by changes in our posture, tight or weak muscles, joint instability, or a baby in the womb, just to name a few. You may feel a deep ache in your glute and down your leg, a sharp shooting pain down your leg, or numbness and tingling into your glute and leg.
Watch this video to learn three great exercises to help with that deep ache, sharp pain, numbness, and tingling in your back, butt, and leg.
Cat Cow (25x)
Figure-4 Stretch (30 seconds - 2 minutes)
Nerve Glide (25x)
I hope I am not the first one to tell you this, but if I am, listen up! You do not have to suffer through pain during pregnancy and postpartum.
Email me at motherhoodwithmacy@gmail.com or book an appointment now!
Thank you for the demonstrations! Helpful to see how to do the exercises.