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Writer's pictureDr. Macy Basterrechea

Self-Cleaning Basement

Sounds nice, huh!?

Well, I'm not talking about your house. I'm talking about your vulva! We see so many products marketed to help "clean" our vulva and vagina, but the truth is, we really don't need all that fancy stuff.

If a product smells, sparkles, or scrubs.... it doesn't belong around your vulva!

Using soaps and rough scrubbing can disturb the normal vaginal pH and dry out/ irritate tissue. Stick to the basics and trust your self cleaning system. All we need down there is warm water and if you want, a clean, soft wash cloth.

There are occasions when it is necessary to use prescribed creams, skin barriers, and specific hydration products.

Here are a few tips about what might be used around the Vulva:

  • If you struggle with incontinence, using a product such as Aquaphor on the vulva can serve as a barrier and protect the skin from getting irritated.

  • Topical steroid or hormonal creams can be very important for healing and tissue health, especially during postpartum and perimenopause.

  • Lubricants - we will discuss in detail the pros and cons of different lubricants in a later post!

  • Hydration - If you have dryness in the vaginal or vulvar tissue, always consult with your healthcare provider first. A few of my favorite products are: Revaree by Bonifide, Ah Yes Vaginal Moisturizer, Coconut oil.

If you have questions about your pelvic health, email me at

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